Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

The Miscellaneous Handling of Proper Hinge Injury

Ankle or ankle injuries are very common. Most ankle injuries are mild and can heal on their own with treatment at home. But if the ankle injury is severe enough to limit daily activities, then this condition needs to be seen by a doctor. Ankle injuries generally occur when the ankle moves to the wrong position suddenly, for example due to an accident while driving, falling or sprained when exercising, or just stepping wrong when walking. When an ankle injury occurs, the muscles and tendons or connective tissue on the ankle can stretch and become inflamed. This can make the ankle swell, bruise, and feel pain when moved or walking.

Various Kinds of Injury and Symptoms

Ankle injury is distinguished based on the location of the injury. Here are some types of ankle injuries:

1. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a condition when a tendon that connects muscle to bone experiences inflammation or irritation. Tendinitis can occur in any joint or muscle part of the body, but this condition is quite often caused by ankle injury.

2. Sprained

Sprains or sprains occur when ligaments, which are the connective tissue in the joints that connect one bone to another, experience stretching or swelling.

3. Tendons break up

When the ankle tendon is broken, the foot cannot be bent or tiptoeed and feels very painful. People who have broken tendons will also have difficulty or even unable to walk. Tendon rupture in the armature is a condition that requires immediate treatment. Apart from severe injuries, tendon ruptures can also occur due to tendinitis that is not handled properly.

4. Broken bones and leg joints

Ankle or ankle fractures can be in the form of small cracks to open fractures marked with protruding bone that penetrates the skin. This condition often occurs in people who have traffic injuries or when exercising, as well as conditions lacking nutrients to strengthen bones, such as calcium and vitamin D. Similar to a broken tendon, this type of ankle injury is also fairly severe and needs to be treated immediately. Although different, ankle injury causes relatively the same symptoms. The following are common symptoms when an ankle is injured:
  • The movement of the ankle is limited and feels painful when moved.
  • Bruised leg.
  • Swelling.
  • Pain when touched.

How to Deal with Engel Injury

Handling of ankle injuries is not always the same, depending on the type of injury suffered and its severity. Therefore, you should immediately see a doctor when you have an ankle injury to ensure the severity of the ankle injury that occurs. In determining the severity of the injury, the doctor will perform a physical examination and support, such as X-rays or ultrasound foot ankle to see the condition of muscles, bones, and veins (tendons and ligaments) in the injured ankle. When the condition is known, the new doctor will determine treatment. Ankle injury can be treated in several ways. To reduce the pain that arises due to injury, doctors will usually prescribe pain relievers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. In cases of severe ankle injuries, such as broken tendons or broken bones, treatment can take the form of splinting or casts, surgery, and physiotherapy. However, if the injury suffered is still relatively mild, your doctor may only recommend that you do treatment independently at home through the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).


Rest your feet as often as possible, even if only a minor injury. Try not to move much when your feet still hurt. If you keep moving your legs or doing a lot of activities, the injury you experience will be difficult to heal or even worse.


In addition to using medication prescribed by your doctor, you can also reduce pain and relieve swelling on the ankle with a cold compress. The trick, wrap ice cubes in a cloth or wet a small clean towel with cold water, then put on the leg that feels pain for 15-20 minutes. Do this method every 2-3 hours.


Wrap your ankle by using an elastic bandage to relieve swelling. However, you need to be careful when dressing it. Make sure the bandage is not too tight because it can block the flow of blood to the feet. If when using an elastic bandage there are parts of the foot that are numb and a tingling sensation or foot appears to turn blue, then immediately remove or loosen the bandage. If these symptoms do not disappear after the bandage is removed or relaxed, consult the condition immediately to the doctor.


When resting on a sofa or bed, position your ankles higher than your chest. You can use a pillow or pillow case to support the ankle. This method is useful to reduce pain and relieve swelling. The doctor will also explain how to train the ankle movements that you need to do when the injury has improved. It aims to restore the strength and flexibility of the ankle network so that it can function properly again. When the ankle injury has healed, try to be more careful in your activities. In addition, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent ankle injuries, including:
  • Warm up before exercising.
  • Use shoes that fit your feet.
  • Reduce the use of high heels for women.
  • Rest when the body feels tired.
  • Do not exercise on slippery floor surfaces.
If an ankle injury that occurs is still in a mild stage, then usually the above home care can help recovery within a few days. However, if the symptoms do not improve or even get worse despite undergoing some of the above methods, as well as if the ankle injury causes extreme pain, cannot walk, or the feet cannot be moved at all, then you should immediately consult a orthopedic doctor.

Recognize How to Detect Early Allergy in Children Next

Various kinds of allergies in children can be experienced by your baby, you know. Therefore, it is important for Mother to know how to early detect allergies in children, the article of allergies can interfere with the activities of the Little One who can reduce his cheerfulness. Little can be allergic to cow's milk, eggs, fish, beans, soybeans, wheat, medicine, insects, and others. This can cause some symptoms such as frequent sneezing; runny / stuffy nose; red, itchy, and watery eyes; cough; and the onset of red and itchy rashes. Allergy is the body's reaction to certain substances or foods. Allergies occur when your baby's immune system reacts to substances that trigger allergies. But, you don't need to worry. Because allergies can be dealt with if Mother and parents take three important steps, namely Recognize, Consult, and Control. These three steps, called '3K', are the key to dealing with the allergic symptoms that your child experiences.

How to Detect Early Allergy in Children

If you have a child who has allergies, several ways this can be done for early detection of allergic Little, including:
  • Detection of Parental Health History

  • Allergies experienced by the Little One could have come from the health history of the Mother as her parents. If both parents or one (Mother or Father) has an allergy, then Little is also at risk of experiencing allergies. For this reason, bring your mother's notes (family health history) when conducting an examination for your child. This will make it easier for doctors to detect allergies experienced by the mother of the baby.
  • Detection in Ages (under three years)

  • Allergy symptoms can occur in various forms, such as itchy nose or throat, nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy and runny eyes, itching, swelling, and can cause loss of awareness of the Little One. If this is experienced by Little, Mother must immediately take him to the doctor to get an examination and proper treatment.
  • Scientific Detection

  • If your child has an allergy, you can ascertain what substances are the triggering factors for allergies. Some tests that can be done to find out the triggers of allergies are:
  • Skin prick test. There are two skin test methods, the first a drop of liquid from an allergen is applied or dripped on your little one's skin, with a small puncture on the skin before. Whereas the second method, which is a small amount of allergen fluid, is injected into your baby's skin, this test is a bit stinging but not painful. Then, wait for about 15 minutes. If there are reddish lumps such as mosquito bites accompanied by swelling and itching, then the test results are positive. In some cases, this test can be the most accurate and affordable way to find out the presence of allergies in children. However, please note, that a positive skin prick test does not automatically diagnose an allergy, especially if no symptoms are found. In addition, positive skin prick tests do not predict the severity of allergic reactions.
  • Blood test. If Little can't do skin prick tests, then he can do blood tests. In this test, your baby's blood will be examined and analyzed his immune system in response to allergens. Blood samples for your child are often taken from the back of the hand. Because their skin can go numb after being given a special spray or cream before taking a blood sample. For blood tests, it takes days to ensure the results obtained and require more expensive costs than a skin prick test. The risks that arise are pain or bleeding at the injection site. Fainting can also occur during blood tests.
  • Skin patch test. This test determines what causes allergies that cause contact dermatitis. The doctor will place / attach a small amount of allergen to your baby's skin, then cover it with a bandage. After that, the doctor will observe your child's reaction after 48 to 96 hours. If your child is allergic to the allergen that is stuck, then there will be a rash on the skin area that the allergen is affixed to.
After knowing how to early detect allergies in children, Mother should not ignore the allergies experienced by Little, yes, Bun. Come on, respond to allergies with 3K so that your little one will be cheerful through their days. Because Little's smile is the greatest happiness for Mother.

Take advantage of the Morning Sun Basking for Skin Health

Morning is the most appropriate time to bask in the sun. At this time, the sun is still not hot so you can get free natural health benefits. Morning sunlight produces UV (ultraviolet) light that touches the surface of the skin to be converted by the body into vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed to carry out the function of calcium metabolism, body immunity, and transmits the work of muscles with nerves. Therefore, you are recommended to sunbathe for only 15 minutes at the right time, that is, before 10:00 at least two to three times a week.

Benefits of Sun Exposure to Skin

The human body cannot produce vitamin D by itself. Moreover, the vitamin D content was quite limited only from certain types of food. An easy and practical solution to insufficient vitamin D intake is to take advantage of sun exposure in the morning. Adequate intake of vitamin D for the body can prevent the body from rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and osteomalacia. Vitamin D deficiency in children can result in rickets. In addition, sunlight plays an important role in maintaining and caring for skin health. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that sun exposure can overcome a number of skin conditions. Some doctors also recommend UV radiation to treat acne prone skin, eczema, jaundice, and psoriasis. However, this UV radiation therapy may not be possible for all sufferers. Consult this with the dermatologist. However, you should avoid sunbathing in the range of 10:00 to 16:00 because it can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. As protection, use hats, long sleeve clothing, long pants and anti-UV glasses that minimize skin exposure to the sun. It is also advisable to use umbrellas or take shelter under the roof when the sun is blazing.

Tips for Basking in the Sun

In addition, protect your skin from the adverse effects of sunlight by using sun protection products. One of them is by using lotion products that contain sun protection factor / SPF. SPF tells users about how long the skin can be exposed to UV rays before burning when compared to not using SPF lotion. For example, if it takes 150 minutes for skin to burn using an SPF lotion, and only 10 minutes without an SPF lotion, then the SPF lotion is 150: 10 = 15 minutes. Lotion will provide protection against sunlight by 97 percent at SPF 24, and 98 percent protection at SPF 50 and above. SPF lotions are also recommended for use when using body whitening lotions. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using a whitening handbody. Here are tips that can make you more comfortable and safe basking in the sun.
  • Use a sun-protective skin lotion that contains at least SPF 24 or above.
  • Apply SPF lotion between 20-30 minutes before leaving the house. This is done so that there is enough time for the skin to absorb the lotion and work effectively.
  • Pay attention to the expiration time of the lotion product so that its properties remain effective and guaranteed.
  • Store SPF lotion in a cool place and avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Keep in mind, the SPF lotion is only able to protect the skin from the sun for a while. In other words, don't forget to re-apply lotion after a few hours if you are still outdoors. It is recommended to repeat the use of lotions containing SPF every two hours, after swimming, using a towel and sweating profusely.
Not only healthy, the morning sun is believed to be able to provide a sense of happiness. This is caused by more production of a happiness hormone called serotonin. So, don't be afraid of the sun anymore and benefit from outdoor sports in the morning.

No longer afraid of being exposed to sunlight with sunscreen

The use of sunscreen is very important for the health of your skin. In addition to protecting the skin from sun exposure, sunscreen is also able to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, brown spots and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Sunlight does have health benefits, which stimulates the production of vitamin D. But behind its benefits, excessive sunlight can actually damage cells in the skin layer. The use of sunscreen is highly recommended especially when doing outdoor activities, so that the skin is protected from sun exposure and ultraviolet (UV). But, do not carelessly use sunscreen. Here's how to choose the right sunscreen.
  • Contains SPF 24

  • The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) level is something to consider when choosing sunscreen. The amount of SPF content in the SPF lotion will affect how long the sun protection protects without experiencing sunburn. However, the higher the SPF value, the smaller the difference. It is recommended to choose a sunscreen with SPF 24 or more. Sunscreen with SPF 24 can protect skin from UV exposure by up to 97 percent. Meanwhile, SPF 50 filters 98 percent, and SPF 100 filters 99 percent of sunlight. There is no SPF lotion that protects skin 100 percent from the sun. What about SPF lotions below 24? They are only able to protect the skin from sun exposure alone, without protecting the skin from premature aging and cancer risk.
  • Able to dispel UVA and UVB rays

  • Choose sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to UVB and UVA rays. Most sunscreens contain protective against UVB rays as a trigger for sunburn and skin cancer. However, not all sunscreens are able to protect the skin from UVA rays. Supporting materials, such as avobenzone, octocryclene, ecamsul or zinc oxide, can effectively protect the skin from UVA exposure.
  • Choose the lotion form

  • Various types of sunscreen on the market. From the form of lotions, creams, gels, ointments, to spray that can be selected as needed. However, sunscreen in the form of lotions is more recommended than spray. This is because spray sunscreen is difficult to reach all parts of the skin properly, even though its use is easier. In addition, you must also be more careful to avoid inhalation when using sunscreen spray.

Use the whitening lotion and whitening handbody

In addition to keeping skin moist, lotions that contain SPF can also be an option in protecting the skin from skin damage from sun exposure. Lotions on the market are fairly diverse. There is a function to moisturize, there is also a lotion that works to whiten or brighten skin tone. For whitening lotions or bleach handbones, for example, you are advised to avoid whitening lotions that contain mercury due to their harmful side effects. In addition, discuss with a dermatologist before using a whitening lotion that contains hydroquinone. You can choose whitening lotions with natural ingredients such as those containing kojik acid, arbutin or vitamin B3. For whitening lotions that contain vitamin B3, for example, regular use can brighten the color of your skin. Well, so that the skin remains well protected from sun exposure, it is recommended that you apply sunscreen when using whitening lotions when leaving the room. Balance the use of sunscreen with the use of long-sleeved clothing, wide hats and sunglasses to protect the skin. In addition, it is best to avoid the strongest UV exposure, which is in the range of 10:00 to 14:00 even though the weather looks cloudy. Repeat the use of sunscreen every time to get optimal protection.

Sunscreen Available Before Activities Outside

Sunlight contains UVA which can cause premature aging of the skin. Besides UVA, the UVB content in sunlight is the main cause of sunburn due to sunburn. The use of sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is very important to prevent the effects of UVA and UVB when outdoors activities. To prevent the harmful effects of sunlight, use sunscreen with an SPF of 24 or more. The SPF value itself indicates the time it takes for the skin to burn if using SPF lotion compared to if not using it. No matter how high the SPF content is, unfortunately it still cannot prevent full sun exposure.

Protect skin from radiation

Actually UVB rays are also needed for the body to help increase the formation of vitamin D in the skin. However, too high UVB radiation can pose a risk of sunburn and even increase the risk of melanoma skin cancer. Such hazards must be avoided by protecting the skin by applying sunscreen, especially when outdoors. Because, sunlight and radiation can strike at any time. For those of you who are often outdoors, it's important to always use sunscreen to protect the skin. Even so, the use of sunblock may not be as long as you choose. Make sure you choose an SPF lotion or sunscreen that contains SPF. When choosing an SPF lotion, pay attention to the SPF number printed on the package. According to one expert, the SPF 24 lotion will inhibit about 97 percent of UVB rays, while the SPF 50 inhibits about 98 percent of UVB rays.

How to Use the Right Sunscreen

There are several things to consider when buying sunscreen, such as:
  • Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects not only against UVB rays, but also UVA.
  • Choose a sunscreen that contains an SPF of at least 24.
  • See the product expiration date on the packaging. This is because some substances in sunscreen may suffer damage over time.
  • Choose a sunscreen that is waterproof if you want to do activities that make you sweat or do it in water like swimming.
To get the optimal benefits of the SPF lotion, consider the correct method for using the following.
  • Shake the sunblock packaging before use so that all the ingredients are mixed evenly. After that it's ready to be used on the skin.
  • Apply SPF lotion or sunscreen 30 minutes before outdoor activities. This time is most appropriate because it gives sunscreen a chance to absorb into the skin perfectly.
  • Don't just apply sunscreen once at the beginning of the move. Be sure to repeat it every two hours.
  • Be sure to always apply sunscreen when using a whitening handbody or whitening body lotion.
  • Do not forget to also put on parts of the body that have been forgotten, such as ears, shoulders, back, behind the knees, and elbows.
  • Apply sunscreen again after each exercise. Especially sports that make you sweat a lot outdoors or after doing water sports, like swimming which has many benefits.
The use of sunscreen which is also available in a whitening handbody with SPF content every day, not only protects the skin at the time, but is a long-term investment. In addition to sunscreen, protect your skin by wearing long pants, long sleeves, hats and anti-UV sunglasses. It is also advisable to take shelter under a shaded area when the sun is hot.
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